lunes, 28 de junio de 2010

Shakespeare and Early Modern English.

1. Define and explain The Great Vowel Shift
It was a major change in the pronunciation of the English language.During the Great Vowel Shift,the 2highest long vowels became diphthongs and the other five underwent an increase in tongue height with one of them coming to the front.
2. Name 5 dialects of Modern English
American English,Australian English,,Brithish English,Canadian English,Caribbean English.
3. One of the problems with Early Modern English was a lack of uniformity in spelling.Which people( American,English) helped stablish standardized spelling?
4. How many countries in the world have given Modern English official status?
Approximately 10.
5. The most recent statistics show that approximately how many people speak Modern English,a: first language,b : seconf language?
Over 1 billion of speakers of English as a first or second language
6. When was Early Modern English spoken?
The end of the Middle English period,the latter half of the 15 century,to 1650
7. How are the use of Pronouns different between Early Modern and Modern English?
Pronouns were much the same as today.One difrene is that my and thy became mine and thine beforewords beginning with a vowel and letter h,thus mine eyes,thine hand ,and so on.
8. Which language families does odern English belong in?
9. Name 4 worldwide uses for Modern English
Middle English(a:) fronted to (ae)
Middle English (e:) raised to Modern English (i:)
Middle English (o:) raised to Modern English (u:)
Middle English (i:) diphthongised to (Ii)
10. In your opinion what was the greatest influence on the spread of Modern English around the worl,why?
The migration of the large numbers of peope to the United States
11. Which 3 people are also candidates as the possible authors of Shakespeare 's plays?
Francis Bacon,Christopher Marlowe, and Edward de Vere
12. Briefly explain The Oxfordian Theory
13. Shakespeare wrote 38 plays,which according to the Folio Classification ,fall into 3 categories.Name 3 categories
Comedies,histories and tragedies.
14. In which town was Shakespeare born?
15.Which famous London theatre is connected with Shakespeare 's plays?
The Glove
16. In your opinion what does this portion of Hamlet's famous soliloquy mean?
It give information about characters or events,to explore characters's minds.
17. Name 5 post Shakespearen artist whose work was heavily influenced by the writings of William Shakespeare?
Thomas Hardy,William Faulkner,Charles Dickens,Herman Melville,Henry Fusely.
18. Which of Shakespeare's plays are included in The war of Roses series?
19. Shakespeare wrote most of his works in blank verse composed in iambic pentameter. What is blank verse and iambic pentameter ?
The blank verse was shakespeare's standard poetic form and this is composed in iambic pentameter
20. Name 4 actors from Shakespeare's original company?
Richard Burbage,William Kempe,Henry Condell,John Heminges and Robert Armin
21. What were The War of the roses(1377-1485)?
A series of dynastics wars for the throne of England
22. Why was this war called The war of the roses?
The name was base on a fictional scene in William Shakespeare's play ,where the opposing sides pick their different-coloured roses at the Temple Church.
23. What were the names of the 2 houses which fought in this war?
The White Rose of York and the Red Rose of Lancaster.
24. What prompet this civil war to begin?
To fight for the throne of England
25. How did the war end?
The war ended with the victory of the Earl of Richmond,Henry Tudor,who founded the House Of Tudor,which subsequently ruled England and Wales for 117 years.
26. Which kings of England were participants in The War of the roses?
King Richard II,Henry IV,Edward IV